© 2019 Boulevard Studios LLC

Multi-Modal Improvements and Parks Master Plan

Grafton, Ohio

Each year, the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) offers grant dollars to communities for assistance in completing transportation-focused studies for multi-modal improvements. This particular study was completed under the agency’s Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) program which guides a process to help identify challenges as they relate to a community's connectivity and accessibility.

Boulevard Studios LLC was contracted as a subconsultant on a design team to assist with development and visualization of the initiatives, particularly from a site planning and landscape architectural standpoint. Through extensive data collection including community meetings, surveys, site walks, and photo inventories grew an understanding of Grafton’s concerns for the function of its core amenities downtown as well as its parks and how they serve the residential areas in between.

A series of plan sketches and perspective drawings were effective in soliciting reactions and feedback in these sessions as they sought to illustrate the proposed initiatives in key areas of the village that are most critical and familiar to the community. The drawings were then incorporated into a final report developed by the project team and distributed to the Village in anticipation of next steps for revitalization and improvements.